Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Terrible Teething

I'm not sure if anyone reads my blog anymore but I wanted to get all the mom's thoughts on this one. I realized last night that Adalyn is in the process of cutting her first molars on the top of her mouth. The problem is that these will be the first two teeth she has on the top, and they are way back...definately her big jaw teeth. They are far enough back that it won't look like fangs, but will still look strange when she opens her mouth. Have any of you experienced this with your little ones?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

one year ago today...

One year ago this evening we went to eat at Cracker Barrell with my mom and dad since I couldn't have anything to drink after midnight. This is a picture of us afterwards when we were about to head home--don't I look excited :-) I was scheduled to be at the hospital at 6 am the next morning to have my labor induced.
At home that night I realized I still had lots to do and not enough time. I wearily finished up packing random things I hadn't thought of before...decided the bird cage must be cleaned THAT night...and on and on it went.

I need Chandler to do a post here as well cause I know he worked on a few off the wall things that I can't remember now. Anywho, I stayed up way too late but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep and I didn't.

The next morning you can see that my mood hadn't improved and you can see how my dad was feeling. I think Chandler was just as nervous as me. He went the wrong way to the hospital, got lost in the parking deck and told the check in nurse he was a "freshman" when asked if he was a junior or senior.

We finally made it in and I got all set up to begin the waiting game...again, can't you see how excited I am...This is my I'm nervous as heck smile.

More to come tomorrow!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Adalyn's First Camping Trip

We're home today feeling under the weather so I though I'd post an update on Adalyn's first camping trip. We took a trip to Blanchard Caverns a few weeks ago with Jason, Nikki and Carter. We had a great time and got some great pictures.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I've been tagged!!

Randi tagged me to complete this task...

1. go to your documents/pictures

2. go to your 5th file

3. go to your 5th picture

4. blog about it

5. tag 5 people

Well, here it is--
This is my attempt to photograph a putt putt golf score card! Chandler and I were in Branson for our anniversary a few years ago and I actually won so I needed to have proof. I did actually take another picture that shows the final score and isn't so blurry, but this was #5.

I tag Julie, Courtney, Amanda, Andrea and Lori!

Sunday, January 11, 2009


I hope this picture makes you laugh as much as Chandler and I have laughed about it. We were trying to capture a picture of the bad hair day she was having. Instead we got this!
Here is a better shot of her Kramer hair.