At home that night I realized I still had lots to do and not enough time. I wearily finished up packing random things I hadn't thought of before...decided the bird cage must be cleaned THAT night...and on and on it went.
I need Chandler to do a post here as well cause I know he worked on a few off the wall things that I can't remember now. Anywho, I stayed up way too late but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep and I didn't.
The next morning you can see that my mood hadn't improved and you can see how my dad was feeling. I think Chandler was just as nervous as me. He went the wrong way to the hospital, got lost in the parking deck and told the check in nurse he was a "freshman" when asked if he was a junior or senior.
We finally made it in and I got all set up to begin the waiting game...again, can't you see how excited I am...This is my I'm nervous as heck smile.
More to come tomorrow!